VIU International students
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WorldVIU Festival

When: Friday, Nov 8, 2019, 11:30AM - 1:30PM PST

Upper Cafeteria

Add to CalendarWorldVIU Festival11/08/2019 11:30 AM11/08/2019 01:30 PMMM/DD/YYYYAmerica/VancouverfalseaYqCFcQpUzxLBYhTummH26494

A celebration of diversity at VIU with live performances by Tonye Aganaba and VIU students, cultural exhibits and a global fashion show.

This event is part of WorldVIU Days and the 3rd Annual Intercultural Hip Hop Forum, November 4 - 8, 2019! See WorldVIU Days for more information.

Hip Hop Forum