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Global Engagement

IDEAS Applied Research Symposium

You are invited to the IDEAS Applied Research Symposium on February 9 and 10, 2023, at Vancouver Island University. This event aims to inspire you to explore the how, what, why, when, and where of interdisciplinary applied research where Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) collaborates across the disciplines. TVET has considerable talent that could contribute to creating applied research solutions for the regions. To date, we have not fully leveraged this talent.

Arts and Humanities Colloquium Series: On Bach’s Chaconne for Solo Violin (James Mark, Music)

The famous Bach Chaconne for solo violin is a monumental piece of music. This presentation by James Mark will give some background about the piece and the various nuances, interpretations, and performance practices that musicians consider when playing/performing the piece. It will also discuss some of the difficulties and intrinsic technical details that make this piece particularly difficult to pull off, as well as how to overcome some of those difficulties. The presentation will culminate with a performance of the piece.

Documentary Screening: This Changes Everything

Filmed in nine countries and five continents over four years, This Changes Everything is an epic attempt to re-imagine the vast challenge of climate change. Directed by Avi Lewis, and inspired by Naomi Klein’s international non-fiction bestseller, the film presents seven powerful portraits of communities on the front lines, from Montana’s Powder River Basin to the Alberta Tar Sands, from the coast of South India to Beijing and beyond.

Hosted by Political Studies & Sociology

Dr. Who’s T.A.R.D.I.S.

The TARDIS will allow anybody to telecommunicate with international students from many different countries. Just step inside (or join via Zoom) during the posted times and you will be able to ask questions, chat with your fellow global citizens and discover what connects us! 

Hosted by International Education  

Global Citizens Week

Something to Write Home About: Sharing Stories of Here, There, and Everywhere

Join the CREW 431 Portal magazine class, and 4 of its contributors to the 2023 issue, for a panel discussion about the places we call home—Nepal, Chile, Brazil, Mohawk territory—and the ways in which those formative memories and cultures inform our essays, fiction, poems, and scripts. These works introduce readers to parts of the world delicately nuanced through personal introduction and contrast to, and commonalities with, the Canada we define through experiences both unique and universal.

Hosted by Creative Writing and Journalism

Canada and the Middle East: A Post-American Rules-Based International Order?

During the Suez Crisis, at the height of Canada’s diplomatic influence, the country played a leading role in restoring peace and security in the Middle East. Does Canada have the capacity, or the will, to contribute to a rules-based international order for the Middle East today? Join Dr. Mark Williams, a VIU faculty member in the Political Studies and Global Studies programs, for a lecture and discussion on Canadian foreign policy in the Middle East.

Hosted by Political Studies

Justice Beyond Incarceration: Post-Secondary Education as Bridge to Re-entry

A panel of former inside and outside students share the impact the Inside-Out program has had on their life. Former inside students and Inside-Out think tank members speak about the struggles of re-entry post-incarceration and how they creating resources for newly released individuals through VIU classroom initiatives.

Hosted by Criminology

Global Citizens Week