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Arts and Humanities Colloquium Series: On Bach’s Chaconne for Solo Violin (James Mark, Music)

When: Friday, Feb 10, 2023, 10:00AM - 11:30AM PST

B310 (Malaspina Theatre)

Add to CalendarArts and Humanities Colloquium Series: On Bach’s Chaconne for Solo Violin (James Mark, Music)02/10/2023 10:00 AM02/10/2023 11:30 AMMM/DD/YYYYAmerica/VancouverfalseaYqCFcQpUzxLBYhTummH26494

The famous Bach Chaconne for solo violin is a monumental piece of music. This presentation by James Mark will give some background about the piece and the various nuances, interpretations, and performance practices that musicians consider when playing/performing the piece. It will also discuss some of the difficulties and intrinsic technical details that make this piece particularly difficult to pull off, as well as how to overcome some of those difficulties. The presentation will culminate with a performance of the piece. James Mark was born and raised on Vancouver Island and studied music at Vancouver Island University, York University and finally CalArts where he went on to become faculty. Currently, James is a professor of music at VIU where he has been teaching for over a decade. James continues to actively perform, arrange, and compose music. He has performed with the Vancouver Island Symphony since 1994 and is the Writer/Musical Director for the Yellowpoint Christmas Spectacular.

Hosted by Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Global Citizens Week