Vancouver Island University welcomes international visiting scholars every year to teach, lecture, study and conduct research. These visitors enrich the VIU and broader community by providing opportunities for cross-cultural learning and by supporting the development of strong, lasting relationships with institutions around the world - leading to opportunities for collaboration and the open exchange of ideas. VIU's Global Engagement Office will support faculty and staff through the invitation and hosting process of international visiting scholars, helping to ensure a smooth visit to Canada and to VIU.
Read the Guide to Hosting an International Academic Visitor.
To learn more about hosting an international visiting scholar at VIU, please contact Cynthia Murphy at
Fulbright Canada
Vancouver Island University is proud to be a University Partner of Fulbright Canada. The Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America (Fulbright Canada) maintains close ties with the academic community in both Canada and the United States and operates on the principle of reciprocal exchange, providing the opportunity for outstanding Canadian and American scholars to lecture and/or conduct research at partnering institutions in the other country. Award recipients include prominent and promising scholars, as well as experienced professionals. All degree granting institutions in both countries are eligible to send and to receive both graduate students and scholars under the auspices of the Canada-US Fulbright Program.
Read the press release, Scholar Focuses on How Indigenous Issues are Covered in Media

World Leisure Centre of Excellence
VIU's World Leisure Centre of Excellence (WLCE) in Sustainable Leisure Management brings together established and emerging scholars from around the globe to share innovative ideas, engage in dialogue and collaborate in research and teaching. The Centre, housed in VIU's Department of Recreation and Tourism Management, is the first of its kind in North America and represents an ongoing partnership between VIU and the World Leisure Organization.