Welcome to Vancouver Island University! We are excited for you to join us on your education journey.
Before you begin your classes we encourage you to participate in your orientation activities that take place a week prior to your first day of classes. See below for details.

VIU International Education - New Student Handbook
Welcome to Vancouver Island University! This handbook is a great resource for all new international students. Learn about International Student Services, events and activities, information on housing, staying safe, accessing health services and much more!
RockVIU International Student Orientation - Academic
RockVIU International Student Orientation is for students starting their academic studies at VIU for the first time in Undergraduate & Graduate Programs. This includes students on exchange, study abroad, as well as graduates of the VIU English Language Centre's Academic Preparation Program (AP5 and/or Grad Prep).
English Language Orientation (ESL)
For students enrolled in courses in the English Language Department. This includes students with conditional acceptance to undergraduate and graduate programs, who are starting studies at VIU with ESL courses.