A picture of the canals of Venice at dusk.
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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Abroad

Welcome to VIU Education Abroad! We’re glad you found us, and we’re eager to help you plan and prepare for your experience abroad.

We’ve been inspired by our diverse VIU student community, the VIU Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Project, and the movement across Canada to make study abroad experiences more accessible and inclusive. The following pages provide resources, information, tools and reflections to help you learn about and prepare for studies abroad by prioritizing your safety and well-being and taking full advantage of the learning experiences. We’re learning too!  If you know of a resource or tool that would support VIU students or staff in pursuing studies abroad, please share it with us!

Please contact us if you would like assistance navigating our web/print/social media materials or to meet with one of our team members virtually or face-to-face.