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Course Registration

Students in Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Exploratory University Courses (EXPO) will need select courses and build your own timetable. You will be notified by email of your registration date and time – which is usually begins in May each year for the following Fall and Spring terms.

Students in other programs (eg. English-as-a-Second Language (ESL), Master and some limited entry programs) will be registered into their first term of study by VIU and will not need to select courses in advance.

Register and Build Your Timetable

Upon notification of acceptance to VIU, new students will receive information regarding the registration procedure by email.

Your Student Record

Log-in to your online student record

Your Registration PIN: Your registration pin is a temporary password. It is set as your birth date in the format of year, month, date (YYMMDD). For example, if your birth date was May 4, 1989, your PIN would be 890504. You will be prompted to change your Registration PIN to a personal password when you log in.

*Be sure to use a password you will remember, as you will need it to access VIU computers and wifi on campus.

Preparing for Course Registration

Course registration typically occurs between May through June for the following Fall and Spring semesters. Expect to receive instructions from our International Student Advisors during these months.

Check out the Web Registration Tutorial for the steps to complete your course registration. For a full list of programs, courses and descriptions, review the Program & Course Calendar. To see what courses are offered each semester review the Timetable. If you need help with course registration contact an Academic Advisor at

Definition of Terms and Processes

We've included some links below that outline the terms, processes and policies related to managing your courses.  

Important: Students must attend classes, and in particular the first classes of the semester, to maintain seats in registered courses. Review the no-show policy for rules on attendance. If you know you are going to arrive late and miss a class, please contact the International Education Office at

New international students at VIU have a great resource to help them before they arrive in Canada it is called International International Ready, Set, Go - Launchpad to Success at VIU! Pre-arrival guide.