This is the media library for prospective students and agents. Do you want to learn more about VIU?

International Program Brochures
You can view and download brochures for university, English Language Centre, and high school programs. Translations available in Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Japanese.

We have a variety of video collections available. Check out our video resources. Most of videos are in English, however, subtitles in different languages are available for some videos.

The Department of International Marketing and Recruitment makes many presentations while travelling the world. Check out our presentation materials here.

Vancouver Island University campus is located in a beauty harbor city, Nanaimo. Check out our campus and student photos.

Student Testimonials
We have 2000 international students studying at Vancouver Island University. Learn what current students or alumni have to say about their experiences at VIU. Some testimonials are available in different languages.