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Science & Technology Lecture Series: Weird Climates

When: Wednesday, Feb 5, 2020, 7:00PM - 8:00PM PST

Building 355, Room 203

Add to CalendarScience & Technology Lecture Series: Weird Climates02/05/2020 07:00 PM02/05/2020 08:00 PMMM/DD/YYYYAmerica/VancouverJoin Colin Goldblatt, Associate Professor in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, and Astronomy Research Centre at the University of Victoria, as he explores some of the strange atmospheres of our planetary neighbors and talks about how they help us understand the past, present, and future of Earth. Come early and enjoy pre-discussion refreshments! Hosted by the Faculty of Science and Technology. This event is a part of VIU's Global Citizens Week. falseaYqCFcQpUzxLBYhTummH26494

Join Colin Goldblatt, Associate Professor in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, and Astronomy Research Centre at the University of Victoria, as he explores some of the strange atmospheres of our planetary neighbors and talks about how they help us understand the past, present, and future of Earth. Come early and enjoy pre-discussion refreshments!
Hosted by the Faculty of Science and Technology.

This event is a part of VIU's Global Citizens Week.