VIU International students
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Engaged Citizens Speaker Series

When: Wednesday, Sep 11, 2019, 7:00PM - 9:00PM PST

Vancouver Island University

900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo

Malaspina Theatre, Building 310


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Engaged Citizens Speaker Series

Understanding Democracy Today: The Challenge of Citizenship

Presented by: Dr. Philip Oxhorn, VIU Dean of International Education

Session summary: Citizenship consists of rights and responsibilities. But which ones? The author of several books including Sustaining Civil Society: Economic Change, Democracy and the Social Construction of Citizenship in Latin America, Dr. Oxhorn will discuss how and why engaged citizenship is critical to democracy and civil society. He will also explore the importance of organization and autonomy in society, using as examples women’s movements, populism and the possibility of corporate citizenship. Dr. Oxhorn will then lead a discussion with the audience on how these concepts apply at both the local and global levels.

7-9 pm, doors open at 6:30 pm

The talk will be followed by a Q&A session and then a reception in the lobby of the Malaspina Theatre.

Please register for your free ticket here:
