VIU International students
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Salt Spring Island Day Trip

When: Saturday, Sep 17, 2022, 8:15AM - 6:45PM PST

Salt Spring Island, BC

Add to CalendarSalt Spring Island Day Trip09/17/2022 08:15 AM09/17/2022 06:45 PMMM/DD/YYYYAmerica/VancouverfalseaYqCFcQpUzxLBYhTummH26494

CC Road Trips- Salt Spring Island Day Trip

About Salt Spring Island

Salt Spring Island is the largest (70 square miles or 180 square kilometres), most populated (10,500) and, some might say most popular, of the Southern Gulf Islands. Written up in the New York Times as “one of the prettiest artist towns in North America” a visit here will help you find out why they think so…

For a fabulous day out! Browse internationally acclaimed arts and crafts from Canada's "Island of the Arts" including world class potters, jewellers, fibre artists, woodworkers, fine art & photography, body care, clothing and accessories, island tours and more. Enjoy live music and entertainment. And of course check out what started the market all those years ago - organic produce, farmstead cheeses, organic and delicious homemade snacks and food. Meet over 140 artisans and food producers who all contribute to Salt Spring's international reputation as a hotbed of world-class artists and organic farmers.

Beddis Beach is one of the island’s most popular beaches for sunning and splashing. Beautiful white crushed-shell ocean beach – cold water, fun for all ages. Some tidal pools off towards the right at low tide.

What to Wear:

  • Bring clothes for warm and cold weather
  • A warm sweater and a light jacket (waterproof jacket if possible)
  • Warm pants (if you have waterproof pants you may want to bring them)
  • Appropriate footwear (running shoes, hiking boots, or gum boots)

 What to Bring: 

  • Umbrella or rain coat (in case it rains) 
  • Water bottle 
  • Money if you wish to shop
  • Snacks & lunch (or money for food)
  • A backpack to carry all your items
  • Camera

Meeting Location: 

VIU Building 255, Main Lobby (second floor) at 8:15 am

Trip Includes:

Transportation (including ferry admission), Saturday Market , Beddis Beach, & free time to explore each location

Policies, Health & Safety

We have an ongoing commitment to ensure the safety and quality of our trips, with trained and responsible student leaders, staff and community partners. Before you sign-up, please check out our policies & procedures for more information about how to prepare for a trip, as well as our cancellation policy.

How to Sign Up

Our activities are available to all current VIU Students. Sign up with us in person, next to the Front Reception Desk in the "Glassroom" on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12pm – 1:30pm in Building 255 - Second Floor.

You will need to have your:

  1. Student card,
  2. Proof of medical insurance (BC Care Card or Insurance Policy)
  3. Payment (cash is currently the only method of payment for activities)

Waiver Form

Please read our general waiver form for VIU group activities in the attachment section below. All participants are required to read and sign the waiver before the start of the trip. We will provide a paper copy for you to read through again and sign the morning of the trip.


Kelsey Moon – Activity Program Coordinator
250-753-3245 x 2228
