VIU International students
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Nanaimo Whale Watching

When: Saturday, Jun 8, 2024, 9:45AM - 2:30PM PST
Add to CalendarNanaimo Whale Watching06/08/2024 09:45 AM06/08/2024 02:30 PMMM/DD/YYYYAmerica/VancouverfalseaYqCFcQpUzxLBYhTummH26494

Nanaimo Whale Watching

Trip Information

The blue-green waters of the Salish Sea are a marine wonderland, teeming with a spectacular array of life, astounding geological features, thousands of islands, and a vast coastline that stretches across the Pacific Northwest.

It's here in the deep, nutrient-rich fjords of this breathtaking ecosystem where young orcas learn to hunt, humpback whales feast and breach, sea lions bark, seals sunbathe, eagles soar, and porpoises play.

We'll be going to explore the ocean with the covered vessel from Vancouver Island Whale Watch in Nanaimo.

Our adventure is guided by expert mariners and professional researchers who know the whales by name, and collect field data on every single trip.  They'll take us through the Salish Sea ecosystem to see whales and other spectacular marine flora and fauna, while you learn all about them!

What to wear

  • Bring clothes for warm and cold weather
  • A warm sweater and a light jacket (waterproof jacket if possible)
  • Warm pants (if you have waterproof pants you may want to bring them)
  • Appropriate footwear (running shoes, hiking boots, or gum boots)

What to bring:

  • A change of socks, shoes, and pants: your clothes may get wet
  • Water bottle 
  • Snacks
  • Money for shopping
  • A small camera
  • A packed lunch and dinner (unless you would like to buy your food)
  • A warm hat or toque & gloves
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen

Meeting Location: 

In front of Vancouver Island Whale Watch at the Nanaimo Harbour - 90 Front St #5, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5H7

Trip Includes:

4 hour Whale watching trip

Policies, Health & Safety

We have an ongoing commitment to ensure the safety and quality of our trips, with trained and responsible student leaders, staff and community partners. Before you sign-up, please check out our policies & procedures for more information about how to prepare for a trip, as well as our cancellation policy.

How to Sign Up

Our activities are available to all current VIU Students. Sign up with us in person, next to the Front Reception Desk in the "Glassroom" on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12pm – 1:30pm in Building 255 - Second Floor.

You will need to have your:

  1. Student card,
  2. Proof of medical insurance (BC Care Card or Insurance Policy)
  3. Payment (cash is currently the only method of payment for activities)

Waiver Form

Please read our general waiver form for VIU group activities in the attachment section below. All participants are required to read and sign the waiver before the start of the trip. We will provide a paper copy for you to read through again and sign the morning of the trip.


Robin Lemmens, Activity Program Coordinator
phone: 250-753-3245, Ext. 2228
