VIU International students
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Local Hikes: Morrell Nature Sanctuary

When: Friday, Oct 15, 2021, 1:30PM - 4:00PM PST

Morrell Nature Sanctuary 

Add to CalendarLocal Hikes: Morrell Nature Sanctuary10/15/2021 01:30 PM10/15/2021 04:00 PMMM/DD/YYYYAmerica/VancouverfalseaYqCFcQpUzxLBYhTummH26494

CC - Local Hikes - Morrell Sanctuary

Cultural Connections - Local Hikes 

Join Cultural Connections as we head outdoors and explore some of the most scenic and awe-inspiring, local hiking trails throughout the Fall semester. We have selected 4 hikes that are based out of Nanaimo and 1 finale hike that takes you to Englishman River Falls, located 45 Minutes north of VIU. This program runs from September - November on select Fridays from 1:30PM - 4PM. The cost to join is only $2.00, with the exception of our Englishman River Falls adventure - costing $10.00 due to the extended duration of the hike (overall time). Please sign up in advance. 

Morrell Nature Sanctuary

This is a great location for those who want to see what a temperate rainforest looks like! It's very lush with blankets of moss, hanging moss, moss-covered rocky knolls... if there is a place in Nanaimo where the fairy queen presides, it is probably deep in Morrell Sanctuary under a giant maple tree. 

The parkland was donated by William Morrell in 1973, intended for public use and conservation. Last logged in the 1920's, the Sanctuary is a fine example of a preserved 2nd growth forest. 

What to wear:

  • Proper clothing for the weather and for walking
  • Running shoes or hiking boots
  • No sandals

What to bring:

  • Snacks 
  • Water bottle 
  • Umbrella or rain coat (in case it rains)
  • A backpack to carry all your items

Meeting Location: 

VIU Building 255 Main Lobby 

Trip Includes:

Transportation to and from the hike and a guided hike on one of Nanaimo's Trails

Policies, Health & Safety

We have an ongoing commitment to ensure the safety and quality of our trips, with trained and responsible student leaders, staff and community partners. Before you sign-up, please check out our policies & procedures for more information about how to prepare for a trip, as well as our cancellation policy.

How to Sign Up

Our activities are available to all current VIU Students. Sign up with us in person in at the Front Reception Desk on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am – 1pm in Building 255 - Second Floor.

You will need to have your:

  1. Student card,
  2. Proof of medical insurance (BC Care Card or Insurance Policy)
  3. Payment (cash is currently the only method of payment for activities)

Waiver Form

Please read our general waiver form for VIU group activities in the attachment section below. All participants are required to read and sign the waiver before the start of the trip. We will provide a paper copy for you to read through again and sign the morning of the trip.


Kelsey Moon – Activity Program Coordinator
250-753-3245 x 2737


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