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No Worries Wednesday

What I wish I knew before going on exchange to the Netherlands

Submitted by Chris Yeast on July 10, 2019 - 8:12am

Getting that letter stating that you’ve been accepted to the exchange destination of your dreams is a feeling that I cannot describe. Thoughts run through your head at a million miles a minute: will I love it? Will I make memories that will last me a lifetime? Will I form relationships with people I could have never met otherwise? I’m so excited and unsure and amazed and scared… where do I go from here? I made a list to help combat those nerves and answer the questions so that you don’t have to. Here is a list of things I wish I knew before I went on exchange:

No Worries Wednesday - Adjusting to your new environment

Submitted by Chris Yeast on November 28, 2018 - 4:10pm

No Worries Wednesday is a series where blog contributors speak to a topic which they were worried before they participated in an education abroad experience. Leaving all that you are surrounded by and comfortable with can be challenging or even frightening. This series will hopefully dispel myths and ease worries for students who are considering taking part in exchanges, field schools or other international learning opportunities!


No Worries Wednesday - Making Connections

Submitted by Chris Yeast on November 21, 2018 - 4:34pm

No Worries Wednesday is a series where blog contributors speak to a topic which they were worried before they participated in an education abroad experience. Leaving all that you are surrounded by and comfortable with can be challenging or even frightening. This series will hopefully dispel myths and ease worries for students who are considering taking part in exchanges, field schools or other international learning opportunities!


No Worries Wednesday - Homesickness

Submitted by Chris Yeast on October 31, 2018 - 4:14pm

No Worries Wednesday is a series where blog contributors speak to a topic which they were worried before they participated in an education abroad experience. Leaving all that you are surrounded by and comfortable with can be challenging or even frightening. This series will hopefully dispel myths and ease worries for students who are considering taking part in exchanges, field schools or other international learning opportunities!

No Worries Wednesday – Language Acquisition

Submitted by Chris Yeast on October 24, 2018 - 4:26pm

No Worries Wednesday is a series where blog contributors speak to a topic which they were worried before they participated in an education abroad experience. Leaving all that you are surrounded by and comfortable with can be challenging or even frightening. This series will hopefully dispel myths and ease worries for students who are considering taking part in exchanges, field schools or other international learning opportunities!

No Worries Wednesday - Navigating Language Barriers

Submitted by Chris Yeast on October 17, 2018 - 4:11pm

No Worries Wednesday is a series where blog contributors speak to a topic which they were worried before they participated in an education abroad experience. Leaving all that you are surrounded by and comfortable with can be challenging or even frightening. This series will hopefully dispel myths and ease worries for students who are considering taking part in exchanges, field schools or other international learning opportunities!


No Worries Wednesday - Exchange Expenses

Submitted by Chris Yeast on October 10, 2018 - 8:26am

No Worries Wednesday is a series where blog contributors speak to a topic which they were worried before they participated in an education abroad experience. Leaving all that you are surrounded by and comfortable with can be challenging or even frightening. This series will hopefully dispel myths and ease worries for students who are considering taking part in exchanges, field schools or other international learning opportunities!


No Worries Wednesday - Education Timelines

Submitted by Chris Yeast on October 3, 2018 - 1:56pm

No Worries Wednesday is a series where blog contributors speak to a topic which they were worried before they participated in an education abroad experience. Leaving all that you are surrounded by and comfortable with can be challenging or even frightening. This series will hopefully dispel myths and ease worries for students who are considering taking part in exchanges, field schools or other international learning opportunities!