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Academic Experience

No Worries Wednesday - Tackling Teaching Styles

Submitted by Chris Yeast on November 15, 2018 - 10:23am

No Worries Wednesday is a series where blog contributors speak to a topic which they were worried before they participated in an education abroad experience. Leaving all that you are surrounded by and comfortable with can be challenging or even frightening. This series will hopefully dispel myths and ease worries for students who are considering taking part in exchanges, field schools or other international learning opportunities!


No Worries Wednesday - Education Timelines

Submitted by Chris Yeast on October 3, 2018 - 1:56pm

No Worries Wednesday is a series where blog contributors speak to a topic which they were worried before they participated in an education abroad experience. Leaving all that you are surrounded by and comfortable with can be challenging or even frightening. This series will hopefully dispel myths and ease worries for students who are considering taking part in exchanges, field schools or other international learning opportunities!